Monday, September 22, 2008

After seventeen hours of travel on top of a sleepless night I arrived in Cork, safe and sound.

A soft, green landing in Shannon

My home is lovely (pictures to follow in next post), though far out from college.
I haven't met the fourth person in the house yet.
The lovely (gorgeous for here) weather is buffering my homesickness.
So far, I have been to a barbecque, went out dancing, and watched the All-Ireland [Gaelic] football final (Kerry lost to Tyrone in the last five minutes--it was so close!).
I have lots to sort out.
And I am glad to be here, but I miss my last month's routine rather desperately. It was a good routine.

Already, I've had discussions about the educational system in Ireland v. US, homophobia in Irish men, and the changing gender roles for women. Food for thought.


Anonymous said...

We should trade cool class discussion stories. :D

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm glad the weather is buffering. Buffers are always good. Email me your address so I can write you!
Miss you

Hannah said...

It's funny because I went to log-in to post today and you had left me a message telling me to post. So by golly, I posted!


Hope you are doing well, didn't know you had a blog but now I do so I shall follow!