Thursday, December 25, 2008

happy holidays and a happy new year!

Happy Holidays, everyone! And (for those of you who celebrate it) a happy Christmas!

I am spending today curled up in the house with Arad--we've been watching West Wing, we feasted on chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, and orange juice, and we'll be skyping in to Christmas with the family in a few hours. A quiet, but pleasant, Christmas.

My first Christmas tree of my own! Nothing glamorous, but still full of cheer!

Over the past month and a half:

-I've handed in two papers, one on feminist methodology and another on feminist theory. I've also handed up a thesis topic proposal, which I'll hear back on after the holidays. Next up: gender essay!

-I've played a lot of badminton. I think I'm getting worse though. Maybe the break will do me good. Or maybe it will just make me (even more) out of shape. Only time will tell.

-I've suddenly developed the urge to cook. I've made Dutch babies (twice), strawberry crazy cake, soy marinated chicken, biscuit cake (a la Liam), and of course the chocolate chip pancakes.

-I applied for two jobs, both of which I still might get (in the slowest hiring "process" ever, apparently). But now I have to wait until after New Year's to hear more. Sigh.

So, yeah, life is what it is. I'm happy it's the holidays, and I'm happy that Arad is here to keep me company. Love to you all!